Saturday, March 18, 2017

Arch installation checklist (i3 desktop)

During basic setup remember to install base-devel as well as base. After basic setup and first reboot:
  1. Check network (ping If down, find adapter name using ip link and enable dhcp using systemctl enable dhcpcd@<adapter name>.service
  2. Add a user:  useradd -m -G groupname -s /bin/bash username. Enable sudo for that user by editing /etc/sudoers.
  3. Install:
    xorg-server  xorg-apps  xorg-xinit  [graphics-driver] #xorg stuff
    i3 dmenu
    lxappearance compton # Desktop environment
    terminator/urxvt firefox git emacs  feh bash-completion #Apps
    dialog wpa_supplicant wpa_actiond #wireless
  4. Setup xorg to autostart i3. Add exec i3 to ~/.xinitrc (cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc).
  5. Setup dot-files for i3, i3status, bash (+aliases), emacs and more (via dotfile repo).
  6. Update X fonts by running lxappearance.
  7. Setup AUR applications (e.g. Dropbox) 
  8. For wireless, generate configurations by running wifi-menu and enable automatic connection management: sudo systemctl enablenetctl-auto@<interface>.service where interface is the name the wireless card (use ip link to see it) .